
Sarah Lawson

Sarah Lawson

Sarah Lawson is an American-born Londoner. She is a writer of poetry, non-fiction and plays and translates from French, Spanish and Dutch. Her translation of Christine de Pisan’s Treasure of the City of Ladies (Penguin, 1985, ISBN: 978-0140444537) was the first translation of that work in English since it was written in 1405. Her translation of Selected Poems by Jacques Prévert (Hearing Eye, 2002) was a Poetry Book Society Translation Recommendation in 2002. Hearing Eye has published her poetry pamphlets Twelve Scenes of Malta and Friends in the Country and her collection of poems about teaching at Suzhou University, All the Tea in China. Her forthcoming book, The Ripple Effect, is a prose memoir about Poland.

All the Tea in China
All the Tea in China

Sarah Lawson